In light of COVID-19, the...

In light of COVID-19, the Spiritgirl team are being sure to take additional security measures to ensure the safety of our employees and customers. Our staff has been educated on the preventative measures that need to be taken and our online store will remain open for the time being. We’ll be operating with a skeleton staff until further notice and encourage all of us to take the necessary precautions to look after our health and the health of others during this trying time.
All deliveries will go ahead as scheduled at this time and until further notice. As we are reliant on our couriers for successful deliveries, we will follow all measures, processes, and updates as set out by each company. All three companies have confirmed that they are implementing the necessary preventative measures. ✶
Thank you for your continued support.🙏 #meditate #breathe #eathealthy #drinkwater #washyourhands #staypositive